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35 € and go to the Spa!

Discover the new fixed rate, € 35 all inclusive.
Reach the municipalities of Abano Terme and Montegrotto Terme.Air Service Padua

Padua Taxi Charge


REF.: Public service – taxis

The entries of the rate chart of the public service – taxi and their rates as from 2013, are as follows:

Minimum daily ride € 6,50 (*)
Minimum night ride € 9,00 (*)

(*) (excluding supplements) including initial cost + 1,100 km. and/or 3’30” waiting time

Daily rate per kilometer (from 6 am to 10 pm) (**) – rate 1: urban or within the county , € 1,30 – rate 2: outside the town or the county , € 1,90

Night rate per kilometer (from 10 pm to 6 am) (**) – rate 1: urban or within the county , € 1,40 – rate 2: outside the town or the county , € 2,20.

Hourly Waiting Fare  € 29,00/hour for the first 8 minutes, after € 37,00/hour

Holiday supplement: € 1,70

Radio-dispatched taxi supplement: € 1,50

Additional Charge For Passenger exceeding Three € 1,05/pax

Luggage supplement € 0,60
(for each piece of luggage measuring over cm. 23x30x50)

Fixed price for journeys to Abano or Montegrotto € 35,00

N.B. Motorway tolls and ferry boats have to be paid by the customer

Pink Taxi from 9 pm to 6 am a 10% discount for women (not available over 2 women)

(**) application of rates 1 and 2:

The taximeter is activated when the customer gets on the taxi or at the time of the confirmation call to Radiotaxi;

The taximeter is automatically activated with rate 1 and is maintained as such if the journey takes place within the county territory;

It is changed to rate 2 when the county boundaries are passed to drive a customer out of town;

When the taxi driver answers a call from outside the town, he gets to the customer with the taximeter on rate 1 and, – if the customer remains in the same county, rate 2 is applied from the moment of the customer’s communication; – if the customer is headed for Padua, rate 1 is maintained; – if he is headed for another another county and the journey goes through the Padua county territory, rate 2 is applied when going out of the Padua territory boundaries;

Once rate 2 has been set, rate 1 can no longer be applied;

The taxi driver is to inform the customer when applying rate 2.