Radio Taxi Padova

How to call by day:

From 05:30 to 24:00 we have a operator at you disposal
You can call to: +39 049.651333
You have to wait to talk with our operator, all our operators can speak English

You can also sending a Fax to: 049.760369 (from 05.30 to 24:00)
or sending an e-mail to: (from 05.30 to 24:00)

How to call by night:

From 24:00 to 05:30 we no have a operator at you disposal
You can call to: +39 049.651333, but
You will find an automatic operator.

You have to leave your starting address, your message will be heard by the taxi driver and after, the taxi driver will tell you the time of arrival.

In alternative you will use our services:
SmsTaxi or Apptaxi

What you will ask:

You can ask your taxi to suit your preferences or needs.
We have 5,6,7 car seats, high or low vehicles to facilitate the ascent / descent.
Vehicles with a large cargo area for bulky suitcases.